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Amaroo Aged Care

Berrigan, NSW

June 2018 - ongoing

Amaroo Aged Care
Amaroo Aged Care
Amaroo Aged Care

Project Description

Located in Berrigan, NSW, The Amaroo Aged Care Facility is a not-for-profit community run aged care facility containing 26 independent self-care units, a hostel residential facility as well as offering support to the adjacent local hospital. In 2017, a corporate risk assessment identified the requirement to install a backup-power generator, with a preference to commission the design and installation of a diesel power generator. However, this option was not going to provide a solution to Amaroo’s rapidly escalating energy costs, or reduce their associated GHG emissions from the continual burning of fossil fuel.

EnergyLink Services were engaged as Amaroo’s ‘trusted energy advisors’ and assisted with resolving this corporate risk by consolidating existing solar systems, installing another 60kW of capacity, installing a gas boosted solar hot water system in place of an LPG fired hot water boiler, assisting with a rollout of LED lighting upgrades (including 115 different types of fittings to accommodate the needs of the residents), and provided practical energy management tips such as for the use of HVAC temperature, bar fridges, awnings and switching off appliances when not in use.

Key Results

  1. Implementation of energy efficient solutions including LED lighting upgrades

  2. Installation of additional 60kW solar capacity and a gas boosted solar hot water system

  3. Providing practical energy management solutions

  4. Development of a practical and cost-effective energy reduction plan

Associated Services


EnergyLink Services has been Amaroo’s ‘trusted energy advisors’ since 2018, helping to provide practical energy management solutions to their facilities, including upgrading and installing energy efficient solutions including LED lighting upgrade, and installing 60kW solar capacity and a gas boosted solar hot water system.

EnergyLink were able to walk us through the options and develop a practical and cost-effective energy reduction plan which we have been implementing ever since. We continue to work with Phil and his team with the ambition to achieve further cost reductions.

Andrea O’Neill (General Manager) Berrigan & District Aged Care Association Ltd

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